Monday, March 28, 2011

Youth Groups Implore New Bedford Legislators to Fight for Funding

By Dan McDonald
March 26, 2011 12:00 AM
NEW BEDFORD — Sixteen-year-old McKaila Coulter chided a trio of lawmakers for their tardiness, then told them they needed to work "10 times harder" to ensure youth programs in the city were spared the state's budget ax.

She was among those in the cramped basement room of the NorthStar Learning Center Friday morning to implore state Sen. Mark C.W. Montigny and state Reps. Antonio F.D. Cabral and Stephen R. Canessa to advocate for youth service programs and work to spare such programs from cuts.

Coulter spoke of how PACE YouthBuild, which offers after-school tutoring and training for general educational development, or GED, helped her attain her GED after she stopped attending high school.

"Everyone's having a struggle. My program is very, very poor," she said.

The state, meanwhile, has its own fiscal problems, as legislators are staring down a budget deficit of about $2 billion.

YouthBuild is funded through a variety of sources, including $135,000 from the state, according to Gloria Williams, the YouthBuild program director.

She said the program's "commitment is about education, training and transformation."

She told the three New Bedford Democrats, "You need to re-think government and how services need to be provided."

Trevor Newton, 18, of New Bedford, said the same program helped him turn his life around in a month and a half. Newton said before becoming involved with YouthBuild, he was a high school dropout who was sleeping at the home of a friend during the day and "hustling" on the streets at night. Now, he said he is pursuing his high school diploma at night school, has obtained his driver's permit, and started working at a local iParty. He said he plans on receiving his diploma this June.

"Without YouthBuild, I'd still be on the block every night," he said. "Cutting that funding back, how is that helping us out? It's not."

Marquise Grace, 12, of New Bedford spoke of how another after-school program at Roosevelt Middle School, run by NorthStar, helped keep him off the streets and taught him the importance of education and a job.

"Kids ... they are our future," said Gerald Fernandes, who runs the after-school program. Cutting funding would be short-sighted, he said.

The state Department of Public Health funds the Roosevelt program at just under $40,000, said Maria Rosario, NorthStar's executive director. That number, she said, is the result of a 50 percent reduction in funding in fiscal 2010. Rosario was among those concerned that the funding would be cut even more.

"Most of us are working with peanuts. What are you going to cut?"

There were no guarantees, promises or pledges from the legislators. Inside the Linden Street center, all three gave frank assessments of the state's finances.

Canessa said, "It has gotten to the point where folks are begging for us to hold the line on their budget."
Canessa said the youth service programs "are certainly among our priorities."

Montigny said youth programs "save lives and a tremendous amount of money," but added that the budget cuts are "going to be painful."

Citing the state's fiscal straits, Montigny said, "even level funding at this point is completely unaffordable."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Upcoming YouthBuild Summit!!!

On Friday, April 1st YouthBuild New Bedford will be meeting up with several other YouthBuilds around the area at the Brockton Boys & Girls Club to join forces and tackle the current funding crisis affecting countless social & educational programs in Massachusetts.

The purpose of this event is to:
  • Gather support for YouthBuild programs in Massachusetts by sharing student and alumni stories with community stakeholders.
  • Put together and implement an action plan that will help save federal funding for YouthBuild and other services providers who are looking at drastic cuts.
We ask that each YouthBuild send atleast 10 students to this event and have designate one students/alumni to speak.

If anyone has questions regarding this event please contact McKaila Coulter @ (508)984-3558 or Maren Reisch @ (617)445-8887 ext27. You can also contact via email @

Friday, April 1, 2011 - 10am to 2pm

Brockton Boys & Girls Club
891 Montello Street
Brockton, MA 02301

The City is Only As Beautiful As You Make It

Spring is here and Youth Build New Bedford has been getting in some season cleaning.

Monday, March 21, 2011

WCBVtv News Clip of YouthBuilds Gathering in Boston

Big Stars Attend Presidential Fundraiser

If you're unable to view the video please check it out at it's direct link below:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Town Hall Meeting with Senator Kerry

This past Saturday, YouthBuild had the opportunity to attend Senator John Kerry's town hall meeting in Marshfield, Ma. Here are some pics from the day's event.

YouthBuild would like to thank Senator Kerry for his continued support of our program.

218,000 young children will not be able to receive Head Start services.

The House-passed cuts would be the largest one-year cuts in history!!! That is why it is so important that you call your Senators.

Your Silence Means the Cuts Will Get Worse

The House Continuing Resolution proposal is expected to make cuts to the fuel assistance program, Head Start, the Child Care Development Block Grant (Child Care Works), YouthBuild, Americorp amd other vital services many of our clients use such as the WIC program and community health centers.

Please contact Senator Scott Brown and request that he support the Federal Line Item that supports social education programs like YouthBuild

317 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Washington DC 20510


Friday, March 11, 2011

Kerry to Host South Shore Town Hall Meeting in Marshfield

BOSTON – On Saturday, Senator John Kerry will host a town hall meeting in Marshfield to discuss the major issues facing cities and towns in the South Shore and the state.

The Senator will also provide an update on his work in including the continuing battle over the budget and the deficit.

WHO:           Senator John Kerry
                       Congressman William Keating
                       State Representative Jim Cantwell
                        Weymouth Mayor Sue Kay
WHAT:          Town Hall Meeting
WHEN:          TOMORROW, Saturday, March 12, 2011
                        12:00 pm
WHERE:       The Seth Ventress Building
                        76 South River Street
                         Marshfield, MA 02050

YouthBuild New Bedford will be in the building! Will you?!?!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

YouthBuild NB Makes the News

Obama's visit sparks excitement in Dorchester neighborhood

Posted by Cara Bayles March 8, 2011 05:09 PM
(By Cara Bayles for
Alma Cruckshane cheered as the president's motorcade passed on its way to BostonTech Academy in Dorchester.

Dozens of people stood on the corner of Talbot Avenue and Washington Street in Codman Square today, waiting for President Barack Obama to drive by on his way to TechBoston Academy.

Standing outside the Codman Square Health Center where they work, Trish Hao and Susan Kelliher said they'd received e-mails saying the president's convoy would drive through the intersection around 3 p.m.

"We're just hoping for a glimpse of him," said Kelliher.

Hao added that some people had been waiting since 1:30 p.m.

Further down on Norfolk Street, barricades kept people from spilling into the street. A group of at least 20 teens had commuted from New Bedford to hold up signs asking the president to preserve federal budget money for Youth Build, a national organization that employs low-income youth with construction jobs while helping them complete their GEDs.

"We're just trying to get enough support to keep our funding," said 17 year old Francisco Delgado.

Alma Cruckshane and Agatha Toole had been standing on Norfolk Street for 30 minutes, before they nervously began to discuss the different possible routes the president could take to get to Peacevale Street from Dorchester Avenue.

"We're proud," said Cruckshane, who brought a navy blue scarf to wave when the president came by. "I'm proud of him, and I'm proud that he's coming into the black community. It shows that he cares."

When the motorcade finally drove by, the streets filled with cheering, and moments later, when it had passed, people shouted across the street to one another, "Did you see him? Did you see him?"
The crowd slowly dispersed afterward, and someone could be heard shouting into her cell phone: "On Norfolk Street! Obama was on Norfolk Street! That's crazy, yo."

E-mail Cara Bayles at

Obama!?! Boston!?! We're there!!!!

After receiving word that President Obama was expected to be visiting the TechBoston Academy on Tuesday, March 8th, there was no question whether or not YouthBuild New Bedford would be present there as well. With less than two days of planning and organizing done, the members of YBNB came together and developed a master plan. After contacting YouthBuild programs across Massachusetts and surrounding areas to join forces, as well as, designing posters, creating petitions, repeatedly calling our local Senators to gain support, securing transportation for all interested supporters, and maintaining a drive and energy that was unmeasurable, we were ready for action.

On the morning of March 8th we were off to do something that as a group we had never done before, but with shared passion and optimism knew had to be done. We were off to Boston to make our presence known. But wait! Even before arriving at our destination we got those fighting the good ole Boston traffic to notice our fight. Placing posters and eager faces in windows during bumper to bumper traffic was the greatest of ideas. Before we knew it, drivers began picking up their cell phones and making calls to Senator Brown right from their cars!

Tem prepping the troups
Some of the YBNB crew
No amount of traffic was going to stop us.
Finally arriving at TechBoston Academy, we anxiously waited to load off the bus while reporters and security were already locked into their positions. After being placed about a block or two away from the school we set up shop and began to put in work!

After several hours of making YouthBuild presence known with the help of YouthBuild programs from Brockton, Fall River, Springfield, Boston, and New York, our mission FOR THE DAY was COMPLETED! With a roar that was left heard on the streets of Dorchester and over 100 signatures collected in support of education and social programs this is only the beginning of a much larger, louder, and stronger movement. Stay tuned!

Oh and I almost forgot, President Obama indeed made his official appearance at approximately 3pm. With a smile big enough to fill the whole back window of his car, he waved to his onlookers and made his way down Peacevale Road to the TechBoston Academy.